martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

Los ñus

Goals for the unit:
  • I can comprehend a story in Spanish. (memrise and Quizlet)
  • I can describe pictures and videos using new and old vocabulary.
  • I can retell the story "Los ñus" in Spanish with visual prompts.
  • I can answer questions about a story in complete, grammatically correct sentences.
  • I can function in a "solo español" classroom. Specifically, I can use gestures to explain Spanish words.

Evaluaciones (Dates TBD):
  • QUIZ: Vocabulary
  • QUIZ: Write about a picture and/or video using new and old vocabulary.
    • Speaking Part - Retell the story of "Los ñus." You can use pictures and keywords.
    • Reading Part - Read a similar story that contains vocabulary that you have learned and answer questions about it.
    • Writing Part - Write some sentences about some pictures and/or videos. Use new and old vocabulary. There will be a word bank and we will do similar activities in class.
    • Listening Part - Listen to the questions the teacher says and answer them.
    • Grammar Section - Conjugations. This section will be similar to the section of the last test.

  1. Presentación- Los pollitos dicen y los ñus  (No lo toques, ven, agarra, tira, toca)
  2. Extended reading activity (includes black-out activity)
  3. Partner activity Chain reaction- idea comes from Martina Bex
  4. Reading activity Purpose Games
  5. Traducciones - to improve sentences
  6. Writing activity - black out activity
  7. Kahoot class game

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

Mini unit: Calaverita y el Día de los Muertos

Pregunta Esencial (unit packet):
  • ¿Cómo son mis tradiciones y creencias sobre la muerte similares y/o diferentes de las de otras personas en otros países?
Metas (Goals) de la unidad:
  • I can show that I comprehend a story with a cultural message in Spanish in various ways.
  • I can discuss cultural habits about how we remember loved ones who have passed away
  • I can identify some key things that are part of the Day of the Dead celebration

Online Resources for Calaverita:
Memrise (Kara's)
Kara's basic vocab quizalize - -  code = uzr346
Quizailize (Elena)
Textivate - Preguntas de comprensión (multiple choice) (Kara)
Vocabulario - Quizlet
Vocabulario - Memrise
Presentación - Google slides (Historia original de Kara Jacobs)
Hoja para estudiantes (usa páginas 4-7 para el cuento)
Hoja de la canción (actividad de cloze con preguntas y traducción)
Historia reducida (para dibujar y recontar)
Ordena la lectura - Textivate
Preguntas de la lectura - Textivate (en proceso)
Historia reducida (para dibujar y recontar)

  • Quiz - vocabulario, cierto falso, y preguntas de comprensión

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

Más Cuentos de Animales

Goals of the unit:
  • I can comprehend a story in Spanish.
  • I can answer questions about a story in Spanish.
  • I can retell a story (El gato bilingüe) in Spanish with visual prompts.
  • I can create my own story using high frequency vocabulary that I have learned.
  • I can function in a "solo español" classroom.
  • I understand that the ending of verbs indicates who is doing the action (conjugations)

Online resources:
Buenas noches gorila
Oso pardo
El gato bilingue
Preguntas de comprensión - Textivate (opción múltiple)
Preguntas de comprensión - Textivate (escribe la respuesta)
Completa el cuento - Textivate gap-fill


Quiz: Buenas noches gorila:
  • Write the English of the vocabulary words.
  • Read 10 statements about the story and write if they are cierto (true) or falso (false).
  • Answer questions about the story.

Quiz: Oso pardo:
  • Listen and write the Spanish vocabulary word and then write what it means in English.
  • Match the vocabulary words.
  • A couple of grammar questions about adjective placement and agreement in Spanish.

Quiz: El gato bilingue:
  • Listen and write the Spanish vocabulary word and then write what it means in English.
  • Match the vocabulary words.
  • Read 10 statements about the story and write if they are cierto (true) or falso (false).
  • A grammar section about verb endings and conjugations

  • Writing section - Write your own story using the new vocabulary from the unit (from the three stories, “Buenas noches gorila,” “Oso pardo,”  and “El gato bilingüe.”
  • Speaking section - Re-tell "El gato bilingüe". You can use pictures, like you did for “El pez dorado y el gato gris”.
  • Listening section - Answer questions about "El gato bilingüe".
  • Reading section - Read a similar story (vocabulary from all three stories) and answer questions about it.
  • Grammar section - Conjugations

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

El pez dorado y el gato gris

Unit Goals:
  • I can comprehend a story in Spanish.
  • I can retell a story in Spanish with visual prompts.
  • I can answer questions about a story in Spanish.
  • I can function in a "solo español" classroom.
  • I understand that the way some letters are pronounced is Spanish is different than in English.
  • I know that acquiring a language requires lots of input and lots of repetition.

El pez dorado y el gato gris

Unit Goals:
  • I can comprehend a story in Spanish.
  • I can retell a story in Spanish with visual prompts.
  • I can answer questions about a story in Spanish.
  • I can function in a "solo español" classroom.
  • I understand that the way some letters are pronounced is Spanish is different than in English.
  • I know that acquiring a language requires lots of input and lots of repetition.

Online activities:
  1. Quizlet- Spanish to English vocabulary
  2. Quizizz - Vocabulary recognition
  3. Kahoot - Vocabulary recognition
  4. Quizlet - Vocabulary in context (in sentences)
  5. Zaption - Watch the video and choose the correct word
  6. Zaption - Answer the questions
  7. Textivate - Write the story
  8. Lectura interactiva - Purpose games
  9. Kahoot