- I can comprehend a story in Spanish.
- I can answer questions about a story in Spanish.
- I can retell a story (El gato bilingüe) in Spanish with visual prompts.
- I can create my own story using high frequency vocabulary that I have learned.
- I can function in a "solo español" classroom.
- I understand that the ending of verbs indicates who is doing the action (conjugations)
Online resources:
Buenas noches gorila
Oso pardo
El gato bilingue
Ordenar la lectura por oraciones - Textivate
Preguntas de comprensión - Textivate (opción múltiple)
Preguntas de comprensión - Textivate (escribe la respuesta)
Completa el cuento - Textivate gap-fill
Juego interactivo individual - Purpose games
Juego interactivo con la clase - Kahoot
- Write the English of the vocabulary words.
- Read 10 statements about the story and write if they are cierto (true) or falso (false).
- Answer questions about the story.
- Listen and write the Spanish vocabulary word and then write what it means in English.
- Match the vocabulary words.
- A couple of grammar questions about adjective placement and agreement in Spanish.
- Listen and write the Spanish vocabulary word and then write what it means in English.
- Match the vocabulary words.
- Read 10 statements about the story and write if they are cierto (true) or falso (false).
- A grammar section about verb endings and conjugations
- Writing section - Write your own story using the new vocabulary from the unit (from the three stories, “Buenas noches gorila,” “Oso pardo,” and “El gato bilingüe.”
- Speaking section - Re-tell "El gato bilingüe". You can use pictures, like you did for “El pez dorado y el gato gris”.
- Listening section - Answer questions about "El gato bilingüe".
- Reading section - Read a similar story (vocabulary from all three stories) and answer questions about it.
- Grammar section - Conjugations