Week of martes, el veintisiete de enero
- Click here for the "authentic listening" AKA song section of the FINAL EXAM
- IN CLASS TUESDAY - Click here for listening part.
- Work on Review Sheet for final exam. You should have re-read and summarized (etc.) TWENTY of the stories.
- If you haven't gone yet, practice the speaking part -- SAY IT!
- Here is the list of the "Star of the Day" questions.
- Here is a Flipgrid (it is empty now, but questions are coming soon!) with me saying the questions -- DON'T RECORD yourself saying them - just use it to listen.
- Here is a Quizlet to help you review how the "Yo" form.
- Here is a Gimkit that you can complete for Extra Credit.
- DUE FRIDAY - Pan! Nuggets
- Work on Review Sheet for final exam.You will have most of the class on Monday and Tuesday to work on this, but over the weekend, you need to do the following:
- Practice the speaking part -- SAY IT!
- Here is the list of the "Star of the Day" questions.
- Here is a Flipgrid (it is empty now, but questions are coming soon!) with me saying the questions -- DON'T RECORD yourself saying them - just use it to listen.
- Here is a Quizlet to help you review how the "Yo" form.
- Here is a Gimkit that you can complete for Extra Credit.
- For part 2, review and write what you need to write (see page 2) for SEVEN stories (you will have done some in class on Friday).
- DUE MONDAY - Reread and summarize (etc.) SEVEN of the stories.
- Here are ALL the stories that we have done this semester.
- Note: If you click on the story at the top, it will take you to that story in the doc. See what I mean here.
- TODAY - Lucas, Selina y Dakota
- MONDAY - Ella S., Peyton, Cadence, Carolina, Jessica, y Ella M.
- TUESDAY - Marcos, Alejandra, Tristan, Jacobo, Nico
Week of martes, el veintiuno de enero
- Do the bottom of pages 14-19.
- Read it aloud!
- Work on the Sr. Wooly Pan! nuggets - due Friday and they are an easy evaluation grade!
- Prepare for the Canela evaluation. There are three parts:
- Listening - In this section, you will listen to the character descriptions and write the name of the person being described. You will also have to write the meaning of key words.
- To prepare for this part: Review the character descriptions on page 6.
- Cultura and Reading - In this section, you will read (in Spanish) a reading about mole and a traditional food from the U.S. You will have to answer questions, according to the reading (not your own knowledge) in English.
- You can't really prepare for this part. It is assessing what you can read and interpret.
- Writing - You will write a summary of the movie Canela. You will also include your opinion of the movie and a description of your favorite character and why he/she is your favorite. You can use the drawings that you did in class after the Running dictation.
- To prepare for this part:
- Review the Running Dictation sentences that we did in class.
- Also, for support/help, you can come with drawings, an outline in ENGLISH and/or 10 key words in Spanish.
- Work on the Sr. Wooly Pan! nuggets - due Friday and they are an easy evaluation grade!
- Finish the Sr. Wooly Pan! nuggets - they are an easy evaluation grade!
- Work on Review Sheet for final exam.You will most of the class on Monday and Tuesday to work on this, but over the weekend, you need to do the following:
- Practice the speaking part -- SAY IT!
- Here is the list of the "Star of the Day" questions.
- Here is a Flipgrid with me saying the questions -- DON'T RECORD yourself saying them - just use it to listen.
- Here is a Quizlet to help you review how the "Yo" form.
- Here is a Gimkit that you can complete for Extra Credit.
- For part 2, review and write what you need to write (see page 2) for five more stories (you will have done some in class on Friday).
- Here are ALL the stories that we have done this semester.
- Note: If you click on the story at the top, it will take you to that story in the doc. See what I mean here.
- Make sure you did last night's homework. See below.
- Do this Edpuzzle. We will be able to watch a straight TWENTY minutes tomorrow! Yay!
- Finish the FIVE Sr. Wooly ¡Qué asco! nuggets. If you have finished those, work on the Sr. Wooly Pan nuggets.
- Do page 1 in the Canela packet.
- Five nuggets for the Sr. Wooly ¡Qué asco! are due Friday. This is a 15 point evaluación, so make sure you do it!
- Do pages 2-3 in the packet. Rewrite the food vocabulary.
- Five nuggets for the Sr. Wooly ¡Qué asco! are due Friday. This is a 15 point evaluación, so make sure you do it!
- Do the bottom of page 9-bottom of page 12 (stop at question number 33).
- Five nuggets for the Sr. Wooly ¡Qué asco! are due Friday. This is a 15 point evaluación, so make sure you do it!
- Five nuggets for the Sr. Wooly ¡Qué asco! are due TOMORROW. This is a 15 point evaluación, so make sure you do it!
Week of jueves, el seis de enero
- Write a summary of the story "Un besito más". Use pages 12, 14, and 13 to help you or use the Textivate to help you.
- The Textivate Sequence for the story Un bestio más is due Wednesday.
- Do pages 17-18. This is a reading about La Misma Luna. You have to read and circle the correct word. Here is the slideshow if you need help and/or want to see the images.
- Also, do some practice with this Quizlet set and this Quizlet set to review what we have seen so far of the movie. Don't login, just do some practice.
- Finish the Textivate Sequence for the story Un bestio más.
- TBD, but probably, do pages 19.
- TBD, but probably, copy the answers of this Quizlet set.
- Prepare for the evaluación about ICE El Hielo, The Other Side, Un besito más, and La misma luna. Finish the review sheet.
- FRIDAY IN CLASS: Here is the Flipgrid for the listening part of the evaluación.
- Our next unit is related to FOOD - yay!! We will be eating some Mexican food!
- Start working on the Sr. Wooly ¡Qué Asco! nuggets. You have to complete five by next Friday.
- These nuggets are a 15 point evaluation! EASY 100!
- Finish pages 7-9.
- Do pages 10.
- Start the Textivate Sequence for the story Un bestio más. This sequence is due next Tuesday.
- Maybe... Do this Quizizz to review the story for Un besito más - Go to joinmyquiz.com and enter code: 391223. You will have to type your name, but you don't have to login. ClickQ on skip for now.
- Do this Edpuzzle. While you do the Edpuzzle, come back here as directed.
- Do this Gimkit - Choose your name (it is actually the initial of your last name and the first two letters of your first name). Goal = reach $5,000
- DO NOT SPEND MORE THAN 10-15 MINUTES ON THIS. If you don't reach $5,000 💰 , just move one 😊 .
- After the Gimkit, go back to the Edpuzzle and finish it.
- Quizlet - vocabulario for the song/story ICE El Hielo
- If you have extra time, you could write this vocabulary down.
- Textivate Sequence for the story ICE El Hielo - due Wednesday.
- If you have extra time today, finish it.
- I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! 😊
- Make sure you finished all the classwork from Monday's class.
- If you didn't finish your Una Escuela en el Mundo presentation, make sure you do that! See Google Classroom.
- On page 4, write a summary of the ICE El Hielo story. Entire story is on page 3.
- Do a good job on this!
- Rewrite vocabulary on page 6. This is the vocabulary that you will acquire for the next immigration story "The other side" that we will start tomorrow.
- Do the Textivate Sequence for ICE El Hielo.
- Review ICE El Hielo story on page 3. There is an evaluación tomorrow.
- Finish the things below if you have not done them yet!
- On page 4, write a summary of the ICE El Hielo story. Entire story is on page 3.
- Do a good job on this!
- Rewrite vocabulary on page 6. This is the vocabulary that you will acquire for the next immigration story "The other side" that we will start tomorrow.
- Do the Textivate Sequence for ICE El Hielo.
- After the evaluación, here are some Edpuzzles to learn about holiday traditions in Spain:
- Finish El Horario (the schedule) on page 6a,
- Do two activities in the Irene Texitivate Sequence
- Do two more nuggets for the Sr. Wooly story ¿Adónde vas?
- Finish the last two activities in the Irene Texitivate Sequence. Here is the slideshow.
- Do two more nuggets for the Sr. Wooly story ¿Adónde vas?
- DUE by end of day FRIDAY: Go to the Flipgrid and answer the 5-8 questions about your horario (schedule on p. 6a).
- Remember, I am the only on who will be able to see you answers!
- Also, this is an evaluación, so make sure you do this!
- Go to Google Classroom for the "Una escuela en el mundo" template slideshow.
- Do two more nuggets for the Sr. Wooly story ¿Adónde vas? TEN are due Friday.
- DUE by end of day FRIDAY: Go to the Flipgrid and answer the 5-8 questions about your horario (schedule on p. 6a).
- Remember, I am the only on who will be able to see you answers!
- Also, this is an evaluación, so make sure you do this!
- Link for pics
- Go to Google Classroom for the "Una escuela en el mundo" template slideshow.
- The presentation is due at the end of the day tomorrow.
- Here is the Flipgrid for the listening section.
- If you finish everything below, here are some Edpuzzles to learn about holiday traditions in Spain:
- Prepare for evaluación. Review the three stories: Chau, Irene, y ¿Adónde vas? embedded reading (and also on Sr. Wooly) On the evaluación, you will have to do the following:
- Listen to sentences and identify the story and/or character.
- Write a paragraph comparing your school day to one or more characters in the stories.
- Review this vocabulary on Quizlet and this one.
- DUE by end of day FRIDAY: Ten nuggets for ¿Adónde vas?
- DUE by end of day FRIDAY: Go to the Flipgrid and answer the 5-8 questions about your horario (schedule on p. 6a).
- Remember, I am the only on who will be able to see you answers!
- Also, this is an evaluación, so make sure you do this!
- DUE MONDAY: Una escuela en el mundo presentation (see Google Classroom).
- Our next unit is called "La Escuela". In this unit, we will be comparing and contrasting our school day with those of others. We will have three stories in this unit: Chau, Irene, and ¿Adónde vas?
- Below is what you will do today. This Blizzard Bag should take about an hour.
- Story #1: Chau:
- Do this Edpuzzle: Parte 1 (20-25 minutes)
- Watch the music video for the story/song! (5 minutes)
- Do this Edpuzzle: Parte 2 (this is very short!) (5 minutes)
- Do two activities in this Textivate Sequence for the story Chau. Click here to see the Textivate Passwords. (10 minutes)
- (This might be a bit challenging, so just do your best!) Read the embedded readings (AKA different versions) for the Sr. Wooly story ¿Adónde vas? and write (in English) a summary of the last version. (15 minutes)
- Finish the last two activities in this Textivate Sequence for the story Chau. Click here to see the Textivate Passwords.
- Finish La Estrella del Día (Star of the Day) sheet.
- Do two nuggets for the Sr. Wooly story ¿Adónde vas?
- Finish the summary for the story Chau. Page 3 in the packet will help you and also here is the slideshow. The story starts on slide 7.
- Do two more nuggets for the Sr. Wooly story ¿Adónde vas?
- FRIDAY IN CLASS: Here is the link for the preguntas
- Prepare for the evaluación tomorrow about the story Chau:
- Review the story. Here is the slideshow. The story starts on slide 7.
- Review this Quizlet set. The questions you will answer will be taken from there.
- Do two more nuggets for the Sr. Wooly story ¿Adónde vas?
- Finish copying today's Write and Discuss and translate it into English.
- Review the Cultura de Coco with this Quizlet set. There will be an assessment on this on Wednesday.
- IN CLASS ON TUESDAY: Find a sentence in the slideshow and write a sentence (one that can be drawn).
- Review all of your Write and Discuss for Coco. There is an evaluación tomorrow.
- Review the Cultura de Coco with this Quizlet set. There will be an assessment on this on Wednesday.
- These are the parts of the evaluación:
- Read and identify the cultural products related to el Día de los Muertos. Use the Quizlet set to prepare for that.
- Read statements about el Día de los Muertos and identify if it is a práctica cultural (something people do) or a perspectiva cultural (something people believe or think).
- Comparación Cultural: In English, answer this question: How are some cultural products, practices, and/or perspectives related to death from Día de Muertos similar and/or different than your culture.
- Dictation and/or questions about Coco
- Reflection and opinion questions
- Here is the Flipgrid video for the dictado/preguntas section of the evaluación.
- Do two nuggets for the song/story Guapo in Sr. Wooly.
- Do pages 5-7 in the Guapo packet.
- Note: The first page is page 5.
- Do two more nuggets for the song/story Guapo in Sr. Wooly.
- If you need a Brain Break, watch the sequel to Guapo, La Confesión de Víctor. Do it as a part of a nugget.
- Do pages 8-10 in the Guapo packet.
- Do two more nuggets for the song/story Guapo in Sr. Wooly.
- If you finish this work, start the work for Friday.
- If you finish Friday's work, start working on the nuggets for La Confesión de Víctor or Feo.
- Do pages 11-12 in the Guapo packet.
- Do two more nuggets for the song/story Guapo in Sr. Wooly.
- Do pages 13 and 15 in the Guapo packet.
- Do two more nuggets for the song/story Guapo in Sr. Wooly.
- If you have time, do page 14 in the Guapo packet.
- If you still have more time, do one (or more nuggets) for the sequel to Guapo: La Confesión de Víctor… What do you think his secret is?!? You won’t even believe it! Do it as a part of a nugget.
- If you still have more time, watch the sequel to La Confesión de Víctor, Feo! Do it as a part of a nugget.
- If you finish all your work, start working on the nuggets for La Confesión de Víctor or Feo.
- Finish copying today's Write and Discuss and translate it into English.
- Do the Alebrijes reading in Garbanzo.
- Finish the Blizzard Bag if you didn't do that! See below.
- Copy today's Write and Discuss and translate it into English.
- Finish any stations that you didn't in class today. I will be collecting and grading those tomorrow.
- Station #1 - page 10 - here are the readings
- Station #2 - page 11 - reading in packet - Number each sentence from 1-9 in order that it happened in first 30 minutes of movie
- Station #3 - page 12 - here is the reading
- Station #4 - page 13 - reading in packet - Identify who said each comment.
- Station #5 - page 14 - here is the reading
- Watch the three Día de los Muertos videos that we have seen so far.
- Do this Edpuzzle for another Día de los Muertos La cena de dante (the dog from Coco).
- This is a long one and a bit challenging, so it will take you a while.
- Write down some new words that you learn as you watch.
- After you finish, write which of the four stories you like the best and why. You can write this in Spanish, Spanglish, or English.
- If you didn't do this Edpuzzle for the story La danza de los muuertos (from last week), do that one too!
- Do this Edpuzzle about La niña que recuerda.
- If you have time, work on this Textivate Sequence for "La niña que recuerda". You have to do FOUR of the activities. The fifth is extra credit. Click here to see the Textivate Passwords.
- Do the Garbanzo assignment "El Día de Muertos".
- If you didn't do the Garbanzo assignment "El día de muertos: Elementos de la celebración", finish that!
- If you haven't logged in to Garbanzo yet:
- Go to: gbnz.io/36943 and use this invite code: VERDE-36943
- Finish this Textivate Sequence for "La niña que recuerda". You have to do FOUR of the activities. The fifth is extra credit. Click here to see the Textivate Passwords
- Finish the Edpuzzle about La niña que recuerda from today.
- Here is the Flipgrid link for the speaking part of the Brandon Brown eval. If you need a code, this is it: 22c5885e
- Here is the link to the Dictado about La niña que recuerda.
- After you finish, make sure you have done last night's homework. If have finished that, move on to tonight's homework.
- Do the Garbanzo assignment "¿Qué es el Día de Muertos?".
- If you didn't do the other Garbanzo assignments, finish those!
- After translating the story with a partner, start the Textivate Sequence for La niña y la abuela.
- If you finish that, start this Edpuzzle for the story La danza de los muertos.
- Do the Garbanzo assignment "Coco cultura".
- Finish the Textivate Sequence for La niña y la abuela.
- If you didn't do the other Garbanzo assignments, finish those!
- Do this Edpuzzle for a third story La danza de los muertos.
- NOTE: You can finish this in TASC on FRIDAY. It isn't due until the END of the day on FRIDAY.
- Finish any Garbanzo assignments that you didn't do this week.
- Next week: Garbanzo Alebrijes.
- Do two nuggets for the Sr. Wooly song/story "Me duele".
- Finish the Review Sheet for Brandon Brown quiere un perro evaluación.
- Here is the Quizlet to help you study as well.
- Here is the Flipgrid link for the speaking part. If you need a code, this is it: 22c5885e
- IN CLASS WEDNESDAY: Here is the link to the Flipgrid with the video for the listening part.
- Read pages 6-7 of the magazine (click here to see the pages) and do the following:
- Write 5 things you see on the pages.
- Write 8-10 things that you learned (or re-learned) about Día de Muertos. You can write the sentences in English, Spanish, and/or Spanglish.
- Here is the Flipgrid link for the speaking part. If you need a code, this is it: 22c5885e
- Do the assignment "El día de muertos: Elementos de la celebración" in Garbanzo. If you haven't logged in to Garbanzo yet:
- Go to: gbnz.io/36943 and use this invite code: VERDE-36943
- Then, do the assignment: "El día de muertos: Elementos de la celebración"
- Start this Textivate Sequence. It is due next Tuesday. You have to do FOUR of the activities. The fifth is extra credit. Click here to see the Textivate Passwords
- IN CLASS *finish at home* - Edpuzzle for Go! Vive a tu manera
- Do two MORE nuggets of the Sr. Wooly song/story "La invitación".
- Do two MORE nuggets of the Sr. Wooly song/story "La invitación".
- Do two nuggets for the Sr. Wooly song/story "Me duele"
- We will only be doing SIX of the nuggets (due next Wedneday) for this song/story, but you can do extra for extra credit.
- Prepare for the 100 point evaluación Go! Vive a tu manera. Here is the review sheet.
- Review this slideshow to help with the writing section of the evaluación tomorrow. Remember, you will have to identify the characters on the screen. Then, you will choose one character and him/her. Include the following:
- What his/her name is (Se llama...)
- How old s/he is (approximately) (Tiene (número) años)
- Some of his/her personality characteristics (Es...)
- Some of his/her physical traits (Es... Tiene pelo...)
- His/her relationship with other people in the show (Es el/la... de (person))
- What s/he likes to do (Le gusta...)
- Something that s/he wants (Quiere...)
- Something that s/he thinks (Piensa...)
- Something that s/he does in the show (Answers will vary)
- If you are similar or not to the person (Soy similar a / No soy similar a... porque)
- Your opinion of the person (Me gusta / No me gusta...)
WEEK of martes, el quince de octubre
- Do two nuggets of the Sr. Wooly song/story "La invitación".
- Do two MORE nuggets of the Sr. Wooly song/story "La invitación".
- Do two MORE nuggets of the Sr. Wooly song/story "La invitación".
- IF you didn't finish Friday's work, finish it tonight. SEE BELOW.
- Correct your Dictation. Here are the corrections. SHOW ME WHAT YOU DID WRONG.
- Do the Flipgrid (recording your sentence) that was due today. See below in yellow if you need a reminder about what you were supposed to do.
- Work on the Textivate Sequence for ¿Qué tiene?. It is due Thursday. Make sure you have the sound on, especially for the third activity.
- Do pages 2-3 of the ¿Qué tiene? packet. Don't forget to translate the questions (not the answers, just the questions!).
- Work on the Textivate Sequence for ¿Qué tiene?. It is due Thursday. Make sure you have the sound on, especially for the third activity.
- Click here for the dictation. Check your answers here and make corrections!
- Go to slide 7 in this presentation and answer the questions for Capítulo 1 of Brandon Brown quiere un perro. Get a book to help you!
- Do Textivate Sequence for ¿Qué tiene?. Make sure you have the sound on, especially for the third activity.
- ELLA CADENCE ALEXIS Listening section of evaluación
- Finish preparing your notes for the story that you will write in class for the evaluación. Here is the story if you need it.
- Finish the Shrinking Summary of the dictation that you did in class on Wednesday. Remember to check your dictado sentences here!
- Recommendation: Help out with the class hallway!
- IN CLASS ON FRIDAY, el cuatro de octubre (Sra. Jacobs is absent)
- Listen and Read: Do this Textivate Sequence (it only has three activities!) about Juanma, Gaspar, Agus, Sofí, Zoe, y Simón.
- Listen and Write: On a separate piece of paper, do the dictation activity on Flipgrid. You can use your packet to help you with spelling. Turn this in to the sub when you finish.
- Write: Write comparing yourself (or people you know) to five people in the show Go! Vive a tu manera. You will write ten total sentences. Here are some examples:
- Lupe es creída y mimada. Yo no soy creída y mimada.
- Mercedes es inteligente y exigente. Yo también (too) soy inteligente y exigente.
- Álvaro tiene pelo corto y castaño. Mi hijo también tiene pelo corto y castaño.
- Zoe tiene un hámster. Yo no tengo un hámster.
- Mía es energética. Yo también soy muy energética (porque tomo mucho café).
- Speak: On the same Flipgrid, record yourself (only I will see it!) saying the sentences. If you want to record yourself at home, you can do that.
- Read and Listen: If you finish all of the above work, work on the nuggets for the next Sr. Wooly story/song ¿Quieres ir conmigo?
- Another option - Read: Do one or two "Chicas de VSCO" activities. Each one will count as two nuggets (four nuggets possible). Here is how you sign up for this site. called Garbanzo:
- Go to: gbnz.io/36943 and use this invite code: VERDE-36943
- NOTE: Do (the easier activity) "Las chicas VSCO" first and then do (more challenging)"¿Qué son las chicas VSCO?"
- In your notebook, copy (in Spanish) the Write and Discuss (click here) that we did in class today and translate it into English.
- El padre estricto Textivate Sequence is due Thursday. Click here to see the Textivate Passwords.
- Finish Sr. Wooly "No lo tengo" nuggets! They are due by midnight.
- Do pages 7-10 in the Go! Vive a tu manera packet. Here is the presentation in case you need some help.
- El padre estricto Textivate Sequence is due Thursday. Click here to see the Textivate Passwords.
- Do pages 11-13 in the Go! Vive a tu manera packet. Here is the presentation in case you need some help.
- Write notes in ENGLISH for the evaluación tomorrow. See the back of the verb sheet for details about what you will do. Here are the answers for the verb sehet.
- El padre estricto Textivate Sequence is due Thursday. Click here to see the Textivate Passwords
- The evaluación tomorrow has true/false statements about this story.
- IN CLASS ON FRIDAY, el cuatro de octubre (Sra. Jacobs is absent)
- Listen and Read: Do this Textivate Sequence (it only has three activities!) about Juanma, Gaspar, Agus, Sofí, Zoe, y Simón.
- Listen and Write: On a separate piece of paper, do the dictation activity on Flipgrid. You can use your packet to help you with spelling. Turn this in to the sub when you finish.
- Write: Write comparing yourself (or people you know) to five people in the show Go! Vive a tu manera. You will write ten total sentences. Here are some examples:
- Lupe es creída y mimada. Yo no soy creída y mimada.
- Mercedes es inteligente y exigente. Yo también (too) soy inteligente y exigente.
- Álvaro tiene pelo corto y castaño. Mi hijo también tiene pelo corto y castaño.
- Zoe tiene un hámster. Yo no tengo un hámster.
- Mía es energética. Yo también soy muy energética (porque tomo mucho café).
- Speak: On the same Flipgrid, record yourself (only I will see it!) saying the sentences. If you want to record yourself at home, you can do that.
- Read and Listen: If you finish all of the above work, work on the nuggets for the next Sr. Wooly story/song ¿Quieres ir conmigo?
- Another option - Read: Do one or two "Chicas de VSCO" activities. Each one will count as two nuggets (four nuggets possible). Here is how you sign up for this site. called Garbanzo:
- Go to: gbnz.io/36943 and use this invite code: VERDE-36943
- NOTE: Do (the easier activity) "Las chicas VSCO" first and then do (more challenging)"¿Qué son las chicas VSCO?"
WEEK of lunes, el veintitrés de septiembre
- Do the La estudiante nueva packet. Read the story and write the translations.
- The Textivate Sequence for La estudiante nueva y diferente is due THURSDAY, but don't wait til Wednesday night to do it! Click here to see the Textivate Passwords - Remember that you might have to come back here to click on the specific activity.
- All TEN Sr. Wooly nuggets for No lo tengo are due by the end of the day MONDAY.
- Do pages 2-6 in the Go! Vive a tu manera packet.
- The Textivate Sequence for La estudiante nueva y diferente is due THURSDAY, but don't wait til Wednesday night to do it!
- All TEN Sr. Wooly nuggets for No lo tengo are due by the end of the day MONDAY..
- Here is the Flipgrid (click here) for the dictation activity.
- Re-read the summary from the dictation you you did today in class and shrink it. In other words, re-write it, but cut out some of the details. Here is an examples:
- Hay una chica nueva en una escuela
en Chile. - Record yourself on Flipgrid. Say what you your favorite part of the story is. Here is your sentence starter:
- Mi parte favorita del cuento es cuando...
- (My favorite part of the story is when...)
- The Textivate Sequence for La estudiante nueva y diferente. Student Passwords are here.
- All TEN Sr. Wooly nuggets for No lo tengo are due by the end of the day MONDAY.
- Finish the Textivate Sequence for La estudiante nueva y diferente. Student Passwords are here.
- Prepare for evaluation:
- Review the La Estudiante Nueva y Diferente story. You should also review the dictation that you did in class on Wednesday. I will collect those tomorrow.
- Review the characters from Go! Vive a tu manera (pages 2-6). Or, look at the slides 1-21 (skip the slides with questions) in this presentation.
- All TEN Sr. Wooly nuggets for No lo tengo are due by the end of the day MONDAY.
WEEK of lunes, el dieciséis de septiembre -- NOTE: Because of testing, you only have to do the Write and Discuss for the TWO days you are in Spanish class.
- In your notebook, copy (in Spanish) the Write and Discuss (click here) that we did in class today and translate it into English.
- Work on the translation of the Atrévete story. It is due Thursday.
- Sr. Wooly No lo tengo nuggets are due Friday, September 27th.
- In your notebook, copy (in Spanish) the Write and Discuss (click here) that we did in class today and translate it into English.
- Work on the translation of the Atrévete story. It is due Thursday.
- Sr. Wooly No lo tengo nuggets are due Friday, September 27th.
- In your notebook, copy (in Spanish) the Write and Discuss (click here) that we did in class today and translate it into English.
- Work on the translation of the Atrévete story. It is due Thursday.
- You should also finish the translation for the Yo no sé story. Most people finished this in class - ¡Buen trabajo! (Good work!)
- Sr. Wooly No lo tengo nuggets are due Friday, September 27th.
- IN CLASS FRIDAY: Click here for the video for the evaluación.
- Prepare for the evaluacioncita tomorrow:
- Review the Write and Discuss (click here) that you were here for this week.
- Review the Yo no sé story.
- Review the Atrévete story.
- Sr. Wooly No lo tengo nuggets are due Friday, September 27th.
WEEK of lunes, el nueve de septiembre
- Login to Textivate and then come back and click on the link below. Your login information is here.
- Here is the link to the Textivate Sequence for OWI Kin la Calabaza.
- In your notebook, copy (in Spanish) the Write and Discuss (click here) that we did in class today and translate it into English.
- Work on the Sr. Wooly Nuggets for ¿Puedo ir al baño?. All ten nuggets are due Friday.
- Work on the Textivate Sequence for OWI Kin la Calabaza.
- In your notebook, copy (in Spanish) the Write and Discuss (click here) that we did in class today and translate it into English.
- Work on the Sr. Wooly Nuggets for ¿Puedo ir al baño?. All ten nuggets are due Friday.
- Work on the the Textivate Sequence for OWI Kin la Calabaza. It is due Thursday.
- In your notebook, copy (in Spanish) the Write and Discuss (click here) that we did in class today and translate it into English.
- Finish the Textivate Sequence for OWI Kin la Calabaza.
- Work on the Sr. Wooly Nuggets for ¿Puedo ir al baño?. All ten nuggets are due Friday.
- In your notebook, copy (in Spanish) the Write and Discuss (click here) that we did in class today and translate it into English.
- Review the Write and Discuss from this week. There will be an evaluacioncita (assessment) tomorrow.
- Finish all ten Sr. Wooly Nuggets for ¿Puedo ir al baño?. All ten nuggets are due Friday.
jueves, el cinco de septiembre
- In your notebook, copy (in Spanish) the Write and Discuss (click here) that we did in class today and translate it into English.
- Finish three nuggets (1800 puntos total) for ¿Puedo ir al baño? on www.senorwooly.com by the end of the day on FRIDAY. You will have some time in class and you can also use TASC.
- All TEN nuggets ¿Puedo ir al baño? are due NEXT FRIDAY.
- Reread ALL of the Write and Discuss sentences that we have done this week. Your first evaluacioncita (assessment) will be tomorrow. You will read sentences about your classmates and say if they are true or false.
- If you weren't in class, please, review the OWI Kin La Calabaza, click here.
- In your notebook, copy (in Spanish) the Write and Discuss (click here) that we did in class today and translate it into English.
- Do at least three nuggets (1800 puntos total) on www.senorwooly.com for FRIDAY.
martes, el tres de septiembre
- In your notebook, copy the Write and Discuss (click here) that we did in class today and translate it into English.
- Sign up for your Sr. Wooly account:
- Go to this website: www.senorwooly.com
- Click on "Log in / Sign up" in the top right of the screen.
- Then click on "sign up" on the right of the box. Then enter this code: 7RSWXR.You can start the nuggets for ¿Puedo ir al baño?, but you don't have to yet!