sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2019

La inmigración

Preguntas esenciales (unit packet)
  • ¿Por qué vienen los inmigrantes a los Estados Unidos? 
  • ¿Cómo vienen los inmigrantes a los Estados Unidos? 
  • ¿Por qué vienen algunos inmigrantes a los Estados Unidos sin los papeles legales 

  • I can explain why and how immigrants come to the United States.
  • I can understand a two songs, a short film and a movie related to immigration.
  • I can show (in a variety of ways) that I understand readings about two songs, a short film and a movie related to immigration.
  • I can answer questions about two songs, a short film and a movie related to immigration.

domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2019

La Escuela

¿Cómo es mi día escolar similar y/o diferente de otras personas?

Metas de la unidad (unit packet)
  • I can answer questions about my school day and my classes.
  • I can compare my school and my school day to others.
  • I can comprehend and retell a story about school.

  • Speaking - answer questions about your school day (questions will be questions from "horario" sheet.
  • Listening: Listen to questions about Irene and answer them in complete sentences. Or Listen to cierto/falso statements about Irene and write cierto or falso.
  • Writing: Compare your school day to a student in another country (from a picture and/or video that you see).
  • Reading: Read about another student's day and answer questions about the reading.
Online activities for Chau:
Online Vocabulary activities  (click on the links below):
Summary Activities on Textivate (click on the links below):
Question Activities on Textivate (click on the links below):

Online activities for Irene:

martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

El Día de los Muertos

Pregunta Esencial: 
  • ¿Cómo son mis tradiciones y creencias sobre la muerte similares y/o diferentes de las de otros países?
  • ¿Cuáles son algunos (some) productos, prácticas, y perspectivas relacionados con el Día de los Muertos que se pueden ver en dos cuentos: "La niña que recureda" y "La niña y la abuela" y una película: Coco?

Resultado de imagen para coco

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

Go! Vive a tu manera - Episodio 1 - y otros cuentos

    Essential Questions:
    • What helps me to acquire the language?
    • How can I use Spanish for my own personal enjoyment and entertainment inside and outside of the classroom?
    • How can I understand vocabulary and grammatical structures that I don’t know?
    • How can I interpret an authentic resource in Spanish?
    • How are the cultural products, practices, and perspectives in the show Go! Vive a tu manera similar and/or different than those of my culture?

    Enduring Understandings (Students will understand that):
    • In order to acquire the language, lots of comprehensible input, in the form of reading and listening, is necessary. 
    • It is also important that the comprehensible input be in a variety of forms, including: readings, presentations with images, movements, Quizlet Live, Charlala, Quizizz, listening and drawing, acting, etc..
    • Spanish can be used for personal enjoyment, enrichment and entertainment inside and outside of the classroom.
    • When something is more engaging, interesting, contextualized, and relatable, it is easier to acquire another language (including vocabulary and grammatical structures).
    • It is important to set goals and reflect on one's progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement. 
    • It is important to use context clues to help decipher meaning.
    • In order to understand an authentic resource in Spanish, it is important to focus on interpreting the general message, and not translating to English. Interpretation of an authentic resource will vary in degree and will improve over time.
    • The cultural products, practices, and perspectives in the show Go! Vive a tu manera similar and different than those of my culture.